#EdTech Archives - TeachHUB https://www.teachhub.com/tag/edtech/ TeachHUB is an online resource center for educators and teachers Tue, 30 Apr 2024 14:52:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.teachhub.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/teachhub-favicon-150x150.png #EdTech Archives - TeachHUB https://www.teachhub.com/tag/edtech/ 32 32 Best EdTech Tools of 2023 https://www.teachhub.com/technology-in-the-classroom/2024/02/best-edtech-tools-of-2023/ Fri, 16 Feb 2024 20:39:08 +0000 https://www.teachhub.com/?p=52015 Educational technology, also known as edtech, has emerged as a powerful ally for educators in the classroom offering a range of tools to enhance instructional methods, engage students, and create a dynamic and interactive learning experience for students. From learning management systems to collaborative platforms and educational games, the best edtech tools equip teachers with...

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Educational technology, also known as edtech, has emerged as a powerful ally for educators in the classroom offering a range of tools to enhance instructional methods, engage students, and create a dynamic and interactive learning experience for students. From learning management systems to collaborative platforms and educational games, the best edtech tools equip teachers with the resources they need to create a personalized learning environment that caters to diverse learning styles. Here are some of the best edtech tools to keep in your toolbox.

Learning Management Systems

Google Classroom, Schoology, and Moodle are all learning management systems that offer a centralized hub for both students and teachers. This is a place to manage coursework, share resources, and participate in discussions. Many LMS’s offer productivity tools within their platforms. For example, Google Classroom which is a widely favored LMS tech tool, integrates other Google tools such as Google Meet, Docs, Gmail, etc. into their LMS platform.

This makes it easy for students and teachers to interact, collaborate, and gain access to information all in one place. This streamlined educational experience is a game-changer for teachers because of all the time they are saving having everything all in one place. Students love it too because of its user-friendly interface and simplified learning experience.

Assessment Tools

Several edtech tools are designed to help teachers evaluate students’ progress and performance. Kahoot is one of the most popular tools because it’s a game-based learning platform that engages students through interactive games. Teachers create a fun learning game or access one from the library then add videos, images, or diagrams to engage students further. Student’s answers are saved, and teachers can use this information to gain insight into student knowledge or to help plan future lessons.

Another favorite edtech assessment tool is Quizizz, which is similar to Kahoot. This tech tool turns quizzes into games, provides instant feedback to students in real time, and gives teachers a detailed report on individual students and the overall class performance. One of its standout features, besides real-time analytics, is how it accommodates diverse learning styles so students can work at their own pace.

Short-form Video Content

Attention spans today are much shorter than they used to be, which is why many educators are choosing short-form videos to help explain the content or illustrate ideas to cater to these short attention spans. Flip (formally Flipgrid) is one of the most popular video discussion platforms.

The way it works is that the teacher creates a discussion prompt by using short video clips, then students respond with their own short video about the given topic. It’s a beneficial tool for less sociable students, too, because they can share their thoughts privately without the stress of speaking in front of others.

Another widely used platform is Edpuzzle, which allows teachers to customize video clips with interactive elements like questions, quizzes, voice notes, and audio notes to help actively engage students. It also provides real-time feedback which is beneficial for both students and teachers. Furthermore, it offers detailed analytics on student performance, making it a great edtech assessment tool. Both edtech tools cater to short-from video content and greatly enhance students’ learning experience.

Artificial Intelligence

AI can be a powerful tech tool in the classroom and is gaining popularity by the day because of its ability to personalize students’ learning experiences. One notable AI edtech tool is ChatGPT, which says it’s “shaping the future of technology.” Educators are utilizing this tool to assist in the development of their lesson planning by helping to create or refine their plans to be tailored to each student’s specific needs and abilities.

Meanwhile, students use this tool to clarify topics or provide supplementary information. Additionally, the platform’s new ability to see, hear, and speak is helping students learn new information in an instant making it the most frequently used app.

Other AI tools that have gained popularity are Magicschool.AI, a well-liked lesson plan assistant, and Gradscope, a favored AI-assisted grading tool. Both of these edtech tools are making it easier for teachers to do their job so they can focus more on their students.

Collaboration Tools

Collaboration is an essential component in every classroom and can help empower students and deepen learning. One collaborative platform that should be added to your teacher toolkit is the widely favored Google Classroom. Google Classroom isn’t just one of the best learning management systems because of its centralized hub, it’s also highly popular because of its collaborative platform.

Some key collaborative features include the real-time sharing of documents, discussion boards where students can share thoughts and ask questions, announcements and notifications, collaborative grading, an integrated calendar, and parental involvement where parents receive updates.

Another reputable collaborative platform is Microsoft Education, specifically Microsoft Teams which is a central hub for communication and collaboration among teachers and students. This is where both students and teachers can communicate through chat or virtual meetings. Additionally, Microsoft Office applications are integrated (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) enabling multiple users to collaborate on the same document and work together on assignments in real-time. Both Google and Microsoft offer an interactive, collaborative work environment that makes it easy to communicate.

The integration of Edtech tools in the classroom has become an integral part of education. From learning management systems to collaborative tools to using artificial intelligence, today’s technology is constantly evolving and adapting to cater to the needs of both teachers and students. Embracing these new technologies opens up endless possibilities for future generations.  

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Best Technology Tools to Support Social-Emotional Learning https://www.teachhub.com/technology-in-the-classroom/2020/10/best-technology-tools-to-support-social-emotional-learning/ Wed, 14 Oct 2020 13:50:27 +0000 https://www.teachhub.com/?p=5176 Technology now seems like a utility (lights, electricity, water, etc.) in our lives. It is a way of life for our students growing up. With that, the basic needs of our students to develop the ability to manage their emotions, set and achieve positive goals, demonstrate empathy for others, build positive relationships, and make good...

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Technology now seems like a utility (lights, electricity, water, etc.) in our lives. It is a way of life for our students growing up. With that, the basic needs of our students to develop the ability to manage their emotions, set and achieve positive goals, demonstrate empathy for others, build positive relationships, and make good decisions in a technological world that can lend itself to isolation can be a struggle.

How Technology Can Benefit Social-Emotional Learning

Since technology is now so integrated into our world, it also serves as a tool to help students develop the social and emotional learning aspect of their development. There are many students in classrooms everyday that would feel safer expressing themselves through technology. For some, the ability to not be face to face but still make a connection is part of the process for them building better relationships and overcoming anxiety in expressing themselves to others.

From my own experience teaching technology applications, I had software where I could see each computer in my room to monitor students’ work, take over a computer to model what to do instructionally, and to chat with the students. There were times when students felt better asking questions through the chat rather than in front of their peers.

Just this week, I was doing a walkthrough in a class and part of the review for the students was on Quizlet. The teacher had the classroom divided into teams, and since I participated, I was on a team also. Let me add at this point I did poorly on this review of spanish numbers above thirty, but I digress. Students immediately started working together on their team to get more points than the other team. There was nothing on the line, except doing better than their friends. Through technology, students were working together toward a common goal. Sounds like a soft skill that employers desire—which is another benefit of using technology to develop social-emotional learning.

Best Technology Tools to Support SEL


Classcraft is based on the Self-Determination Theory which is based on what drives individuals to engage in specific activities. Those factors include extrinsic or intrinsic motivators, cultural factors, and competency.

Each student has the ability to earn points and improve regardless of their starting point so each student has equal opportunity regardless of where they start. The games involve collaboration and competition and allows educators to connect with students.

The games meet the student where they are in their development and builds from there, so the game is helpful in meeting students’ needs and their various backgrounds.

Weird Enough Productions

At Weird Enough Productions, they have developed some superheroes called “The Uncommons” where “five unlikely outsiders must save each other to save the world.” The comics focus on social-emotional learning, literacy, and digital citizenship in such a way that students identify with the superheroes. The stories help students to embrace their quirks and be comfortable being themselves.

After looking at samples, I get the picture that their goal is to help students who feel out of place or not necessarily included to have a place where they can identify themselves in their stories.

Class Catalyst

This program focuses on three goals: connection, self-awareness, and self-regulation. The website provides detailed information on how Class Catalyst benefits teachers, administrators, students, and parents.

For teachers, Class Catalyst is discreet so that a student has a private way to connect with an adult and it provides a look at each student’s emotional and social needs. For administrators, Class Catalyst can de-escalate situations and help address Tier II students and their needs.

For parents the program helps to pinpoint issues before they happen and fosters self-awareness and personal responsibility. The benefits for the students seem fairly obvious in their SEL development.

One main difference between Class Catalyst and other websites is that it boasts there are no cartoons, tests, or cheesy content to follow.


This cloud-based program incorporates an interdisciplinary program with components of STREAMS (Science, Technology, Reading and Writing, Engineering, Arts, Math, and Social Sciences), digital literacy, computer science coding, 21st-century skills, and social-emotional learning.

One of the teacher benefits of FUNecole is that if you are not strong in computer science or coding, there are materials to help you through so that you can help your students.

The FUNecole diverse cartoons feature Mr. Attitude, Starjack the Innovator, Ram the Doer, and Systematic the Analyst. These characters all have features to reach out to the diverse economic and cultural backgrounds of our students.

In the end, as great as technology is and will be in all of our lives and the lives of our students, by its nature it makes it easier for the introvert or person who would rather ‘hide behind a screen’ to do so and not have as much face-to-face interaction. With that at times comes a natural regression in basic people skills.

The programs listed above and many more online will help many of these students have a safe and comfortable way to come out of their shell in a way that is more familiar to them and at the same time, learn valuable skills that will help make them successful in their future endeavors.

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Best EdTech Tools for a First-Year Teacher https://www.teachhub.com/technology-in-the-classroom/2020/08/best-edtech-tools-for-a-first-year-teacher/ Tue, 04 Aug 2020 13:48:25 +0000 https://www.teachhub.com/?p=3238 Navigating the world of teaching as a first-year teacher can be daunting, to say the least. Not only are first year teachers trying to figure out how to set up their classrooms, organize curriculum, and learn the ins and outs of building logistics, but they are also attempting to weed their way through the thousands...

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Navigating the world of teaching as a first-year teacher can be daunting, to say the least. Not only are first year teachers trying to figure out how to set up their classrooms, organize curriculum, and learn the ins and outs of building logistics, but they are also attempting to weed their way through the thousands of materials and resources available on the internet to teachers.

So where does one even begin? Below are a list of some of the best EdTech tools for classroom management, lesson planning, student assessment, communication, and professional development. These tools are easy to implement, engaging for students, and a great starting place for any first-year teacher.

Classroom Management

ClassDojo is a classroom management app that allows teachers to fluidly connect home and school. Real-time reports are shared with parents as students work to earn points for positive behavior. Parents see what areas students are excelling at (such as homework or participating in class), as well as areas for improvement (such as blurting or bathroom behavior). Parents are able to message teachers and teachers can message right back.This app works great as a classroom management tool, as students are very aware that their parents can check in on them at any minute.

ClassroomQ is an educational tech tool that makes asking for help easier and more organized. This aids in classroom management as students do not have to get out of their desks to form a line at the teacher’s desk or interrupt others who are working. Teachers create a class students can join using the determined code. When students need help, they click on the red “Assistance Needed” button. The button tells the student they are in line and how many other students are in front of them. Teachers are able to efficiently organize students’ questions in the order they were asked. This app gives teachers one less thing to keep track of and helps give students who are shy a way of asking for help.

Lesson Planning

Seesaw is an educational tool that is one-stop-shopping for many reasons, but for lesson planning it is at the top. Teachers have access to an activity library that has thousands of already made assignments on virtually any searchable topic. Teachers can design their own assignments and conveniently share them with colleagues. Once a student submits an assignment, the assignment is seen by both the teacher and the parent. This helps create a seamless line of connection and keeps everyone on the same page.

Edpuzzle is another great EdTech tool to support lesson planning. This app allows teachers to pull a video from the internet and then customize it to meet the lesson’s goals. Teachers can insert questions throughout the video. Students pause at these questions and cannot proceed without answering. Edpuzzle is able to track how long students are spending on the clip, just in case teachers want to see if the video was thoroughly watched. The app has a cool feature where teachers can voice over parts of the video where more explanation or clarification is needed.

Student Assessment

Kahoot! is a great student assessment tool that students love. It is a game-based learning platform where students race against one another to answer questions. Teachers can create their own questions or access the library of premade Kahoot games. The results of the games are recorded, so teachers can later look more closely into which questions students had a hard time with. Students in grades K on up are sure to love this exciting tool!

Flipgrid is a technology tool that allows educators to create grids designed to facilitate video discussions. The grids are like a message board where teachers can pose questions or start conversations and then students post video responses that appear in a tiled grid display. This is a great resource for student assessment, as teachers can ask follow up questions to lessons or use it to ask “quiz” questions. For privacy, the teacher can turn on the hidden feature so only they see student responses.


Bloomz is an award-winning app rated “Best Parent-Teacher/School Communication App or Tool” by Tech Edvocate. It delivers users with two-way messaging and student portfolios. It includes a behavior tracking feature that teachers find beneficial for data collection and to give parents a clearer picture into their child’s days. Parents can like their child’s work, comment on assignments, and easily connect with teachers. Bloomz is easy to navigate and implement, a win-win for first-year teachers.

Talking Points is another great communication tool. It allows teachers to message in families’ home languages via their phones or internet-connected devices. Parents are then able to type responses back to the teacher in their home language. Talking Points is equitable, easy, and straight forward. Add this tool to your teaching toolbox; you won’t regret it!

Professional Development

KQED was created to advance and inspire innovation. It offers a collection of hands-on professional learning opportunities that are focused on media literacy. The site provides professional development courses, classroom resources, and many other tools. This website is a great starting place when looking for professional development.

EdTech Magazine is a website that explores technology and education issues that are being faced. Users can search by topics, states, tips and tactics, and many more. There is an abundance of information and is presented in a clear and engaging format. Educators who spend even a little bit of time on this website are sure to grow and become more informed professionally.

Navigating through the world of teaching as a first-year teacher can be overwhelming and confusing. It is helpful to have a list of valuable technology resources that are used and approved by other educators. These mentioned EdTech tools are a great starting place for first year, or any year, teachers. Choose one to start with, and go from there.

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Finding the Right EdTech to Meet Students Needs https://www.teachhub.com/technology-in-the-classroom/2020/01/finding-the-right-edtech-to-meet-students-needs/ Wed, 22 Jan 2020 20:31:28 +0000 https://www.teachhub.com/?p=1384 When it comes to education, one size does not fit all. This holds true for everything from students’ reading levels to math skills and most certainly with technology. Because students have varying needs, teachers should take this into consideration when planning what technology tools they will use to support student learning. So why doesn’t one...

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When it comes to education, one size does not fit all. This holds true for everything from students’ reading levels to math skills and most certainly with technology. Because students have varying needs, teachers should take this into consideration when planning what technology tools they will use to support student learning. So why doesn’t one size fit all when it comes to technology, how do educators choose the right edtech tools for their students, and what are some great ones to consider?

Not All Students are the Same

Every student that walks into the classroom is unique. They bring different background experiences, different perspectives, and different interests. Not to mention they have different learning styles and different educational needs. That is why selecting one technology tool, app, or gadget does not work. In order to be a more effective teacher in the digital age, educators need to get to know their students to find out what they are interested in, how they like to learn, and what kinds of technology they have experience with.

Just as teachers give pretests to find out what students know about material before they start teaching, so too do educators need to figure out what types of technology students are familiar with. This helps with planning appropriate tools to use in the classroom to meet educational learning goals. Not all students are going to use the same tool to reach the learning objective. Some students will be able to show their learning in one way, and another student may take an entirely different approach. That is the beauty of technology; it gives teachers a gamut of tools to choose from to personalize learning. After all, true equity for students isn’t about everyone in the room having or using the same thing, but every student in the room having what it is they need to learn best.

How to Choose the Right EdTech Tools for Your Students

With over 100,000 apps labeled “education” in the app store, there are many things to consider when choosing the right edtech tools for students. The first is thinking about the learning outcome you want for your students and the means to get there. The SAMR model can be helpful for educators to use as a guide for how to best implement technology. Educators can ask themselves, “Is technology being used simply as a substitute for something else, or is it being used to modify or redefine learning?” If a technology tool redefines a traditional task in a way that would not have otherwise been possible, a student’s learning experience is transformed and enhanced. This is the ultimate goal of technology use and necessary to think about when implementing it.

The second thing to consider when using technology is social use. Because learning is socially constructed, it is important that teachers choose tools that allow students to engage together. Tools like Google Docs allow students to work together and collaborate on assignments. Prodigy is an interactive math game that uses gamification to engage students as they simultaneously work on answering math questions correctly. Students battle each other to earn badges and pets, creating a fun and competitive shared experience with classmates.

Lastly, the third thing to look for when choosing the right edtech tools for students is the possibilities for differentiation. Are teachers able to scaffold based on students’ learning levels or needs? Can teachers assign different content or program the tech tool to meet students at the level they are at? Apps like TeachMonster, Lalilo, or TweenTribune allow for teachers to adjust based on student needs. These are the types of apps that are easy to implement and effective to use for monitoring student progress.

Great EdTech Tools to Consider

The amount of edtech tools out there can make it overwhelming when teachers need to weed through them all for one that redefines learning, creates a socially constructed experience, and has the capability for differentiation. That is why it can feel relieving when teachers find one that fits just that.

EDpuzzle and Edij do all of these things. EDpuzzle is a website that allows teachers to find a video, add questions throughout it, and assign it to either individual students or the entire class. As the students watch the video, the clip has the abiliti to pause at various points so students will have to answer a question. This keeps students engaged and ensures that they watch the entirety of the clip. It also provides teachers with feedback on student understanding or allows students to pose a question they might have after watching.

Edij is another great edtech tool to consider. Edij is an application that provides a platform where students can read and analyze text, images, or PDFs. Students interact by highlighting text, adding tags, or commenting with audio clips or even emojis. Teachers can add open-ended questions to the activity that students answer. Additionally, there is a ‘Heat Vision’ that allows teachers to make all student comments visible to one another. Students can then respond to classmates’ comments or answer each other’s questions. This tool is interactive, collaborative, and engaging.


When it comes to educational technology tools, one size does not fit all. Teachers need to take this into consideration when planning appropriate tech tools to support student learning. Technology tools should redefine learning, be socially constructed, and have the capabilities of personalization in order to meet each individual student’s needs. This ensures that every student in the room has the tools they need for success.

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Coolest EdTech Tools of 2019 https://www.teachhub.com/technology-in-the-classroom/2019/12/coolest-edtech-tools-of-2019/ Wed, 04 Dec 2019 17:57:57 +0000 https://www.teachhub.com/?p=1349 In this 21st century, the surest way for a teacher to leave an impression on students is by bringing the newest and coolest educational technology tools to the classroom. The gamut of trendy tech tools is nothing short of endless, and it can be hard to know where to start. The following are five educational...

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In this 21st century, the surest way for a teacher to leave an impression on students is by bringing the newest and coolest educational technology tools to the classroom. The gamut of trendy tech tools is nothing short of endless, and it can be hard to know where to start. The following are five educational tech tools that will positively impact student learning by creating an environment of digital curiosity while redefining the way students learn.


Bulb is a digital portfolio platform that allows students to create, share, and display their work. Bulb is designed to compile content into pages that are shareable, where teachers and parents can comment and provide feedback. Students are able to showcase their best work by creating a personalized page with various folders. When you arrive at Kaiden’s page, his interface reflects his love for Star Wars. His bio says he is in 3rd grade, loves baseball, legos, turtles, and the color green. His different folders include All About Me, Kindergarten Memories, Reading, and Math. Kaiden has used his portfolio to upload math worksheets he has excelled on, video clips from a music concert, and presentations he has given. Bulb has a free version for educators and is used by students from elementary on up. An added bonus is that one can access it from anywhere and on any device.


Video clips are a great way to support student learning, but often come with bothersome popup ads and little opportunity for students to process their learning throughout. Edpuzzle changes that. This app allows teachers to pull a video from the internet and then customize it to meet the lesson goals. Teachers can insert questions throughout the video where students need to pause and answer. Edpuzzle also is able to track how long students are spending on the clip to ensure that nothing is being skipped or fast forwarded through. Educators can even voice over parts of the video where more explanation or clarification is needed. This app has a free version for educators and is compatible with most devices.

Google Tour Creator

This tech tool allows students to create their own virtual tours using images they download from programs like Google Street View or personal photos. As a writing extension, part of a research project, or for extracurricular projects, there are so many ways to utilize Google Tour Creator. If students were researching the capital of Italy, they could use Google Street View to find the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, and the Basilica. They could then download the images and create their own virtual tour of this city. Or students could create a tour of their school using 360 degree photos they take, helping new students or faculty familiarize themselves with the building. Tours can be viewed on any device such as iPads, desktop computers, or Google Cardboard.


ClassroomQ is an educational tech tool designed to make asking for help easier and more organized. Teachers create a class that students can join using the determined code. When a student needs help, they simply click on the red “Assistance Needed” button. The button tells the student they are in line and how many others are in front of them. Teachers are able to efficiently organize student’s questions in the order they were asked. Students are also able to ask for help without interrupting teachers teaching or students who are learning. The site was made by teachers and for teachers, is free, and is helping make reluctant students ask for help more effectively.


Want to do a scavenger hunt with your class? GooseChase mixes the fun of traditional scavenger hunts with technology to create a unique learning experience. Teachers build their hunts from the Game Manager portion of the site. They add missions that students can complete by submitting either a photo, video, text response, or check-in. Teachers can use GooseChase for pretests, as a review activity, or when establishing rules. Imagine having students take a video of themselves showing the right way to ask a question, or take a picture of where the class mission is displayed. The options are endless, and the engagement of students makes this game worth a look.


Implementing the newest and trendiest ed tech tools into the classroom can be overwhelming, especially with the multitude of options available in 2019. By starting with worthy options like Bulb, Edpuzzle, Google Tour Creator, ClassroomQ and GooseChase, students will be effectively engaged and their learning will be positively impacted.

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Benefits of Technology in the Classroom https://www.teachhub.com/technology-in-the-classroom/2019/11/benefits-of-technology-in-the-classroom/ Thu, 07 Nov 2019 18:34:28 +0000 https://www.teachhub.com/?p=942 As we sail through the 21st century, technology in the classroom is becoming more and more predominant. Tablets are replacing textbooks, and smartphones have become powerful tools that we rely on to instantly search and find information. Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives and has completely transformed the way we...

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As we sail through the 21st century, technology in the classroom is becoming more and more predominant. Tablets are replacing textbooks, and smartphones have become powerful tools that we rely on to instantly search and find information. Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives and has completely transformed the way we interact in the world.

Educators are witnessing firsthand the benefits of technology in the classroom and recognize the importance of developing these technological skills in students because they have become so essential for their future careers.

The impact that technology has had on today’s schools has been quite significant. This widespread adoption of technology has completely changed how teachers teach and students learn. Teachers are learning how to adapt to emerging technologies while students are using advanced technology to enhance their learning experience. By embracing and integrating technology in the classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life beyond the school environment.

Technology Enhances Classroom Engagement

Using technology can make learning more enjoyable. A 2023 study discovered that technology not only makes learning more fun and engaging for students, but also encourages them to invest more effort in their studies as time goes on. Even subjects that students deem challenging or boring can become more interesting with virtual lessons, through a video, or when using a tablet. Using this approach can also help students learn complex concepts more enjoyably.

Technology Prepares Students for the Digital World

Integrating and using technology in the classroom will help prepare students for the digital future. It has become essential to master 21st-century skills to be successful in this day and age. Jobs that may not have had a digital component in the past are more likely to have one now. Education goes beyond memorizing facts and vocabulary words, it’s about solving complex problems and being able to collaborate with others in the workforce. Incorporating educational technology into the classroom will help prepare students to thrive in an ever-evolving world filled with obstacles and challenges. This approach will ensure that students are equipped with the skills necessary to face these challenges and navigate their way through college and their future careers.

Technology Helps Personalize Learning Experiences

One of the many benefits of using technology in the classroom is its ability to support personalized learning. Many platforms and applications accommodate different learning styles and abilities, making it easy for students to work at their own pace on a level that is unique to their needs. It also enables educators the ability to tailor their lessons to meet the diverse needs of all of their students. This approach is great for teachers because it gives them the time to work individually with students who may be struggling. Utilizing technology in this way ensures that all students have the opportunity to thrive and succeed. It also helps to foster a learning environment that builds student confidence.

Technology Connects with Students

Technology occupies an important role in students’ daily lives, influencing just about everything they do outside of the classroom. By integrating technology, teachers are changing the way they used to teach, such as moving away from lectures and rote memorization and moving on to interactive approaches such as using Smartboards and laptops. This shift in utilizing technology aligns more with students inclinations as well as equips them with the tools they need to succeed in the 21st century.

Technology Increases Access to Information

The internet has expanded accessible resources for both teachers and students, making it increasingly easy to find information on virtually any subject. With just a few clicks, anyone can increase their knowledge or stimulate their curiosity on any topic. This easy access to information encourages students to become self-directed learners. It also allows teachers to use a variety of multimedia resources to tailor their lessons and accommodate different learning styles. This access to information can help to enhance student learning as well as deliver a more engaging learning experience for students.

Technology Boosts Collaboration Among Students

Integrating technology into the classroom can create an engaging learning environment that enhances collaboration among students. Educational platforms such as Google Classroom allow students to work together in real-time through shared documents and discussion forums. Students can work together virtually and share ideas or give and receive feedback. Applications such as Flip allow students to interact in a fun and engaging way by recording and sharing short videos. This helps to spark conversation among students in a fun way and is a great tool for less sociable students who don’t feel comfortable interacting with their peers in person. Using technology as a collaborative tool can help enrich students’ learning experience and prepare them with the interpersonal and technical skills they need to succeed in the future.

Technology Helps Students Connect with the Wider World

Technology allows students to connect with the global community. Through video conferencing, digital group projects, and online forums and chats, students can learn from others from across the globe, unlike in a traditional classroom setting. These global connections allow students to see other perspectives, understand different cultures, and learn to communicate with others. This way of learning can be a very enriching experience and prepare students to work with others from all over the world in the future.

Technology changes by the minute, and as educators, it’s critical to keep up with the times in order to best prepare our students for the constant shift in technology. Although integrating technology into the classroom has its benefits, it’s important to note that traditional learning processes are just as essential. Take time to understand every aspect of educational technology that you will incorporate into your classroom. By doing so, you will find that technology can have a profound impact on students’ learning experiences.

*Updated in February 2024

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Technology in the Classroom: the Benefits of Smart Boards https://www.teachhub.com/technology-in-the-classroom/2019/10/technology-in-the-classroom-the-benefits-of-smart-boards/ Mon, 07 Oct 2019 02:22:58 +0000 https://www.teachhub.com/?p=1069 If you are “with the times,” then you may be so lucky as to have a Smart Board in your classroom. This interactive whiteboard is replacing the overhead projector in many classrooms across the United States. Smart Board technology in the classroom can enrich your curriculum by taking a typical lesson and turning it into a fun,...

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If you are “with the times,” then you may be so lucky as to have a Smart Board in your classroom. This interactive whiteboard is replacing the overhead projector in many classrooms across the United States. Smart Board technology in the classroom can enrich your curriculum by taking a typical lesson and turning it into a fun, more interactive one. Here are a few of the amazing advantages to utilizing technology in the classroom by having a smart board.

Smart Boards Enhance Students’ Learning Experience

In classrooms all over the country, Smart Boards are being installed because this amazing technology not only enhances the way teachers teach, but it also enhances the way students learn. It can provide students with an enriched learning experience by projecting visual elements. It also makes differentiated learning much easier because teachers are able to accommodate different learning styles. Visual learners are able to observe the whiteboard, while tactile learners can learn by touching the board. The touchscreen option allows teachers to run programs with the tap of their finger. This makes it not only easy to navigate for the teacher but for the students as well.

In addition to that, a student’s learning experience is enhanced by technology because of its ability for students to view diagrams, charts, videos, and more right on the huge screen in front of them. Their learning comes to life, and many students find it more fun to learn than ever before.

Smart Technology is Interactive

Perhaps one of the greatest advantages of Smart Boards is their ability to be interactive. Students learn best when they are fully engaged, and hands-on learning is one of the best ways to do that. With this technology, every child in the classroom has the ability to utilize the Smart Board at the same time. For example, advanced Smart Boards have the ability for students to use their finger and write directly on them. Most Smart Boards have separate workspaces so several children can utilize the smart board at once. This interactivity provides students the ability to write, draw, or take notes via a tablet as well.

They Are Low Maintenance

Smart Boards are very easy to use and require very little maintenance. The boards do not use chalk or markers (which can be messy); you only use your finger or a special pen. You will also find that they are very easy to clean.

You Have Access to Online Resources

Smart technology offers learners easy access to online resources. They can be set up in the class so all students can view any website or video through a computer application. Teachers have access to a slew of knowledgeable databases that can help them reinforce their lessons. Students can easily access a wide range of resources to help them complete a project or conduct research.

They Are Environmentally Friendly

If you are looking to “go green,” here is your chance. Smart Boards are environmentally friendly because they eliminate the need for paper. There will be no need to photocopy and print a class set of papers. These interactive boards will help the environment in eliminating the tons and tons of wasted paper and ink that are dumped each year.

Smart Boards Allow for Technology Integration

One of the many benefits of Smart Boards is the ability for technology integration. Teachers are able to connect their computers, video cameras, digital cameras, microscopes, and pretty much anything else that you can think of to help aid in instruction.

Proven Success Rates

Using smart technology in the classroom can help raises test scores, improves student learning, enhances literacy, boosts attentiveness, and increases comprehension, to name a few.

Teachers report that the number one benefit that they see in their classrooms that use Smart Boards is an increase in student engagement. These interactive boards provide an extraordinary opportunity for teachers to create a classroom environment where students with different learning styles can learn from each other. This easy-to-learn technology ensures that both teachers and their students are developing the 21st century skills that they need in order to succeed in today’s world.

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Top Educational Apps for the Classroom https://www.teachhub.com/technology-in-the-classroom/2019/09/top-educational-apps-for-the-classroom/ Fri, 27 Sep 2019 20:44:16 +0000 https://www.teachhub.com/?p=3536 Technology is an integral part of all of our lives and will likely continue to be in our daily existence for the foreseeable future. Given that educators and students are so comfortable using technology, many teachers are continually seeking new educational apps to enrich students’ classroom environments. With new innovative apps revolutionizing the way students engage in...

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Technology is an integral part of all of our lives and will likely continue to be in our daily existence for the foreseeable future. Given that educators and students are so comfortable using technology, many teachers are continually seeking new educational apps to enrich students’ classroom environments. With new innovative apps revolutionizing the way students engage in their learning experience, it can be hard to identify which tools will optimize students’ educational experience. Here we have put together some of the most notable educational apps that can reshape your classroom into an innovative learning space.

Canva for Education

The Canva app is a graphic design platform that can be an effective useful resource for educators. Teachers can use this powerful digital tool to create and bring visually engaging lessons to life. If you’re not too keen on creating lessons or digital resources from scratch, then you’ll be happy to learn that the app comes preloaded with thousands of free templates for you to customize.

It’s not just for teachers, students too can use Canva to create projects, posters, videos, and more. They can create mind maps, manage study groups or group projects, add amination to videos and presentations, and so much more. As long as you are an active teacher with a verified educational email you can access Canva for free.


Flip, formally known as Flipgrid, is a video discussion platform from Microsoft where students have digital discussions through an app in a fun and engaging way. The way it works is that teachers create a group which Flip calls a “learning community” and invite students to the group. The teacher then creates a topic that will spark a conversation and each student responds to the prompt by recording and sharing short videos about the given topic.

This no-cost educational app is a great way for students to express themselves and share their thoughts and ideas in a fun and exciting format. It’s also an excellent tool for less sociable students because they get the opportunity to record their responses without the added stress of being called upon by the teacher or having to speak in front of the classroom. Flip has gained popularity among students because it provides a social media-type experience with peers, allowing them to enhance their videos by adding stickers, emojis, and drawings.


Quizlet is a widely popular educational app for learning and studying and it just got better with the integration of their AI-powered tools. Teachers love using this app because it can engage all students of all levels. With various study modes, flashcards, matching, and tests, students can pick which method works best for the way they like to learn. Additionally, with the integration of AI students can now use the platform to turn their notes into flashcards or other modes of learning, as well as get personalized homework help with AI-powered tutoring. The app also incorporates gamification elements like achievements and leaderboards to help students stay engaged in what they are learning. Overall, this app makes the learning process more enjoyable for students.


Open AI developed ChatGPT a groundbreaking artificial intelligence chatbot system that is taking the world by storm. This new tech tool is revolutionizing the way educators teach and students learn. Educators are using this valuable tool to assist in their lesson planning by brainstorming new lesson ideas and/or to help refine their lesson plans. It’s also useful for creating educational content like quizzes or worksheets which can be tailored to each students’ specific needs.

Another key benefit of ChatGPT is its ability to help answer students’ questions. This feature can be handy when students need further clarification or additional explanation on what they are learning in the classroom. It’s important to note that ChatGPT is something new, and since we don’t know a lot about it just yet, the information that it gives out should be thoroughly evaluated and only used as a complementary resource.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is another top choice for best educational apps mainly because it seamlessly integrates with all other Google apps and services like Google Docs, Slides, etc., making it a central hub for teachers to provide students with information directly. Teachers can make announcements, start discussions, provide feedback, create assignments, collect assignments, and provide grades all within the platform.

This streamlined process is a game-changer for teachers because it not only saves time but also enhances the assessment process. Students love it too because it’s easy to navigate, they can access all of their classes within one app, and the platform sends notifications helping students stay on top of their responsibilities.

Selecting Classroom Apps

When selecting classroom apps, consider your audience. Will younger children or adults be using this app? If so, you may want to look for an easy-to-use interface. Also, think about your learning goals. Does it align with your curriculum? What will the students get from using this app? In addition, you’ll want to consider if the app can be customized to meet the needs of all learners and if it’s engaging and motivating for students. Is it compatible with all devices, or is it only available for specific devices? Carefully consider these questions when choosing your educational apps for the classroom.

The options for educational apps seem endless, but when you do your research and carefully evaluate each app based on your wants and needs, then you will find the right apps for your classroom needs.

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How Technology in the Classroom Can Help with Parent-Teacher Communications https://www.teachhub.com/technology-in-the-classroom/2019/09/how-technology-in-the-classroom-can-help-with-parent-teacher-communications/ Wed, 18 Sep 2019 19:06:34 +0000 https://www.teachhub.com/?p=1302 It should come as no surprise that parent-teacher communication is an intricate and necessary part of education. Strong parent-teacher communication helps improve academic progress and bridges the gap between home and school. With good communication, teachers have a clearer glimpse into a child’s life outside of school and can make more informed educational decisions in...

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It should come as no surprise that parent-teacher communication is an intricate and necessary part of education. Strong parent-teacher communication helps improve academic progress and bridges the gap between home and school. With good communication, teachers have a clearer glimpse into a child’s life outside of school and can make more informed educational decisions in the classroom. Likewise, parents have a window into their child’s days, can monitor their academic progress, and are able to stay informed about upcoming school events.

Recently, educational technology has played a large role in parent-teacher communication. Here are a few EdTech apps that are easy for both teachers and parents to use for instant, regular communication and that help monitor student progress in the classroom.

Technology in the Classroom Apps

Remind allows teachers to send a text message directly to parents’ mobile devices. Teachers can message one parent or parents of the entire class at the same time. Remind keeps personal information private and allows the teacher to disable a conversation once it ends. The user is also able to see who has seen the message, which ensures that everyone stays informed about upcoming events or need-to-knows. This app is straightforward, easy to navigate, and allows teachers to quickly get messages and reminders out to parents.

Many teachers are turning to a social media platform that millions are already familiar with, and that’s Twitter. Twitter can be used as an excellent parent-teacher communication device. Teachers can use it as a basic announcement system where they tweet about classroom happenings or upcoming events. Teachers are able to send one-way communication to parents (or even students) and can choose to not receive responses back. This helps protect the privacy of others. Or, teachers can fully implement Twitter. They can use it to pose questions and receive feedback from parents or students. Students can use Twitter as a research device, searching for current news or what is happening around the world. As with all social media platforms, digital citizenship is a necessary part of the roll out and usage of educational technologies.

TalkingPoints is a multilingual texting tool that helps break through language barriers to enhance home and school communication. Highlights include automatic translation to quickly message parents without worrying about finding a translator. Teachers can also upload photos of newsletters to be translated. TalkingPoints is a great way for parents who don’t speak the same language as their child’s teacher to stay just as connected as every other classroom parent.

Edublogs is another educational technology tool that provides students with a voice and demonstrates academic growth in writing. By setting up individual student accounts, students are able to instantly publish their writing. The space can also be used as a way for teachers to share student’s writing with other teachers, administrators, or parents. The published pieces look professional and give students a sense of pride. There are various privacy options, making this blogging platform safe for schools and for students.

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